The Great Brain Strikes Again

great brainI’m embracing the irony this week. In response to my post about my new blog, my brother declared “to add interest, it should be mostly about your brother”. I chuckled, we all chuckled, yet here I am, writing about my brother.

I honestly believe that children become lovers of reading after modeling what they see around them. If reading is important to the adults in their lives then it becomes important in their own lives. It’s one thing to read to your children, encourage them to read, buy them books and search out appropriate material for them, but the most powerful encouragement is modeling. Readers produce readers.

My parents read constantly. My great aunt and uncle (the grandparent figures in my life) read constantly. My cousins read constantly. My aunt would take me to the library to get books and she would go home with as many books as I did. She’s 90 years old now and up until they closed her local library, she was going every week.

“Funny” my four-year-old self mused, “this must be how one spends one’s days” (Yes, I know. Fancy talk for a four-year-old but go with it).   Everyone around me was reading all the time. I learned that reading happened every day and for good stretches of time but up until this past week I didn’t realize my brother learned this behaviour also. Now I knew about the Noddy books and I knew he was devouring books in his late teens but I had no idea that the in-between years were also book years. My brother, the sports nut and social butterfly of the family was also a child reader. For many kids a conflict of interest but for my brother it was just something we did, just like it was something my parents did, and my aunt and uncle did, and my cousins did.

great brain coverMy first post prompted some wonderful responses as people commented with their own childhood book loves. I’ve added many to my list and am looking forward to exploring some of them soon. My brother piped in with his particular “awesome” book in the form of “it had these great black and white illustrations every few pages”. It seems he used to copy them and that’s how he learned to draw well. I was intrigued and asked for details. I got “set in Utah; 1800’s; three brothers told from the POV of the middle brother”. I headed over to Google Books and voila. Up popped The Great Brain.

Hmmm… The Great Brain.  I had never heard of this series. Where was I? Was it after my time? Maybe it was considered a “boy book” in the days when those distinctions mattered. A little research and I found many pages devoted to the series and shrines to the artwork.

mercer mayer                                  great brain1

According to what I’ve read, the 7-book series is set in Utah in the early 1900’s and is loosely based on the childhood of author, John Fitzgerald.  The Great Brain is John’s older brother, Tom, who appears to model himself after Twain’s Tom Sawyer being both mischievous and ingenious.  The search to get my hands on copies of the books however was less than fruitful.  Some of the books are out of print and none of my local bookstores stock it.  So, Ebay to the rescue and I have the first book on order.  I’m looking forward to reading the books that captured the imagination of my sports nut brother.

Stay tuned for further thoughts after the read.

Webberley’s and the Ladybird Impact

Choosing a book or books for my first post was quite a challenge. I have a long list of books for future posts, but the first one needed to be special. I decided to go back to the very beginning of IMG_2804my love affair with reading; when I was still living in a village in England.  My mother used to take me to Webberley’s in Stoke each week and over the past 40 years I have continued to spend an afternoon there every time I am in England.  I was really looking forward to returning with my mother this summer so you can imagine my disappointment to find it had closed in January.  My heart aches as another beautiful bookstore caves to the pressure of the digital age and as I  realize I will never spend an afternoon there again.  So in pursuit of catharsis, I decided a look at the books I bought there as a young child would be a fitting tribute to the role Webberley’s played in launching my reading life and a perfect first post.

I was only two or three when my mother used to take me there so I don’t remember going to the store itself, but I do remember the large number of Ladybird books I managed to acquire. I was allowed to choose one each week, and I took the process very seriously. I learned how to read with my Ladybird books and understood phonics and sounding out words well before I started school in Canada.


These three nursery rhyme books are the ones I remember the most clearly and coincidentally are the ones with the most wear and tear. I can still remember every one of the nursery rhymes in them, which is a testament to how many times I read them with my parents. I’m sure they can remember every word too.



After the nursery rhymes, it’s the Well Loved Tales series that is most near and dear to my heart. From what I’ve read Well Loved Tales is still Ladybird’s most popular series and sought after by collectors, myself included. The Magic Porridge Pot is one that really stands out  for me as it’s not a story you commonly find. These tales are so much a part of me that I forget every child was not raised on them and am constantly amazed when my students say they have never heard of the Wolf and the Seven Little Kids or the Three Billy Goats Gruff.


Ladybird has several other series covering just about every subject imaginable. I have a smattering of these books and remember some better than others. For some reason I have a strong memory of Levers and Pulleys but I don’t have it in my current collection. I am also desperate to find Shopping With Mother, which I remember very vividly but also don’t have. Apparently it’s quite rare and difficult to find now.

I’m sure every kid who grew up in Britain (or with British parents) in the 60’s and 70’s remembers these books. And it appears Ladybird remembers us too! As I perused details for this post I discovered that Ladybird published a line for Grown Ups recently. I’m on a mission to get my hands on them (particularly the two below) so if anyone can help let me know.

For me Ladybird Books are where my reading began and they hold a very special place in my heart. If you remember them, please share which ones stand out for you!

webberley'sAnd Webberley’s.  Webberley’s was my very first bookstore, and will always be my very first bookstore.  Those of you who are booklovers can relate I’m sure, and have felt your own loss as your favourites have closed.  I know I will have to go and stand outside its closed door before I accept that it really is gone.

Until next week…

In the Beginning

I’m so excited to be starting on this new enterprise. I kept a blog years ago during my three years working in Japan but wow, things have changed since then! It was even a challenge just to figure out which site to go with. Still have no idea how to customize the site, but I figure that I’ll learn as I go. Right now I just want to get started!

I’m currently finishing up my Masters in Children’s Literature and it’s just hit me that after three years of reading and discussing incredible books, it’s all coming to an end. What I’ve enjoyed most in my course was examining books I loved as a child through the eyes of an adult. I enjoy thinking about what it was I loved about the book when I was young and considering new takes on it through an adult lens. I’d love to hear what you think and would also love to receive recommendations of books I could post about. Let me know what books from your childhood continue to bring pleasure to the children in your life.

Finding like-minded people who share my enthusiasm for children’s and young adult books is my major goal for this blog. I hope to start some discussion around favourites from our childhood bookshelves as well as current material. My plan is to post once a week. That might be a bit ambitious but we’ll see how it goes. I may be hampered by my technical inability at first but fingers crossed.