Town Secrets (Shelf Control #7)

town secrets

Title: Town Secrets
By: Scott Gelowitz
Published:  2014
Target:  middle readers

Synopsis (via Goodreads):    A centuries-old organization within the tiny town of Grayson protects many secrets – from unknown scientific discoveries to the truth about the mythical island of Atlantis, along with information that ties it to historical events from around the world, such as the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Thirteen-year-old Adam McTaggart and his wise-cracking friends learn some of these secrets and discover that their boring small town is much more exciting than they had always believed it to be. But someone is coming, looking for an ancient power protected by the secret organization, and they are destroying towns as they draw near.

Can Adam and his friends learn all they need in time to protect the biggest secret of all before it’s too late?

How I got it: Free on Bookbub! I love Bookbub.

When I got it:   June 2018

Why I want to read it:  Sounds very “Stranger Things”; group of boys, mysterious town goings on, strange powers etc. It has excellent ratings on GoodReads so I’m curious to see if it holds my attention. And besides, I need a good “boy book” after my misadventures with Warcross and Keeper of the Lost Cities, which I really must review on of these days.

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